How to Ship Beer Mail
I’m apprehensive to discuss this topic, but I decided to share my experience with shipping beer and cider around the world because I often receive messages on how to do a successful beer trade. Please keep it mind that it is ILLEGAL to ship alcohol without a license. The United States Postal Service prohibits shipping alcohol, however, UPS and FedEx will allow you to send it with an alcohol shippers contract. If you choose to...
A Letter To You
Hey everyone, Many of you have been wondering why I’ve been off the radar. New York has been hit HARD!! This pandemic has been extremely overwhelming, and unfortunately I had personal issues weighing on me as well. I am no stranger to overcoming difficulties, but I needed to spend isolation in solitude to meditate and reflect. I’ve never given myself this much needed break. I’ve focused on “The Brew Babe”...
Not Beer Related, But …. Face Mask DIY
I hope everyone is staying safe! Unfortunately I had to go to the grocery store this week. I had gloves, but no mask. My mother was super worried so she made a simple DIY mask. It’s not as effective as N95, but medical studies report it offers some protection as a last resort. You’ll need a bandana and 2 rubber bands/hair bands. Hope it helps. Stay safe! 1. Fold ends of bandana so they meet in the middle. 2. Fold the...
Prost to Sierra Nevada & Weihenstephaner
Long time California-based beer company Sierra Nevada recently teamed up with the self-titled world’s oldest beer company, Germany’s Weihenstephaner to release a few autumnal inspired pours. The team up resulted in three unique beers that are the union of legacy and technology, combining old with the new to enhance and entice the palette. Fall is known for a lot of things, and as the temperature drops and heartier food hits the...
A Final Toast to Blue Point Cask Ales Fest
Today marks Blue Point Brewing’s last Cask Ales Festival at its original location. Although there is a clear split between Long Islanders who are loyal to Blue Point’s brand versus those who argue that the company sold out, neither group can deny that Blue Point and their annual festival did not have an impact on Long Island’s craft beer scene. Nobody will ever forget their first time at Blue Point Cask Ales Fest....
Special Announcement!
I’m honored to announce that I am now part of the LIC Beer Project Family! In the last few weeks I’ve been settling in my new role as the brand ambassador focusing on events and marketing. I’ve been catching up on LICBP’s history (NYC’s first brewery to have a coolship), branding (sweet graffiti packaging), and future endeavors (my lips are sealed). Stay tuned for the latest brewery happenings and my...
Oral Cancer Awareness Month
I know this is not beer related, but there wouldn’t be The Outcask or The Brew Babe had my life gone down a different path.Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the surgery that saved my life! April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, a cancer that is underresearched and forgotten. My life will forever be changed. I will never forget the doctors who treated me. Sadly, I will also never forget how long it took for doctors to diagnose...
Thank You 1940s and Farewell
I’d like to share bittersweet news this morning with all of you. This is my last week at 1940s Brewing Co. These past 18 months flew by, but I will remember every moment, especially our milestones: beertending the day 1940s opened its doors, our first can release, and our expansion to outside sales. My father has always said that when you find a job you love, you will never work a day in your life. I can confidently say that I...
Tips for Traveling with Beer
Although I enjoy traveling across the country trying new beers, it saddens me when I can’t always take my favorite discoveries back home with me. Some of the best breweries that I’ve visited are small and don’t offer cans or bottles to take back. However, I take advantage of the opportunity with those breweries that do! With some bubble wrap and tape, you too can bring your favorite beers back with you when traveling...
2017 Holiday Gift Ideas
We are in the midst of the holiday season and unfortunately for some of us, we’re running out of shopping time! While there are many gift options for the beer lover in your life, there are only a handful of innovative and unique presents that will really wow them. I created a list of some independent businesses that offer exciting and unique products that will make you want to purchase them for yourself too! Craft Brewed Jewelry...